Shuang Zhang
Academic title: Chair Professor, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics
HKU address: Room 521, CYM Physics Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2859 7944
HKU lab webpage link: https://www.scifac.hku.hk/people/zhang-shuang
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=sepjZ3sAAAAJ&view_op=list_works
BSc in Physics, Jilin University, 1993
MSc in Physics, Northeastern University, 1999
PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of New Mexico, 2005
Postdoc, University of Illinois, 2005-2006
Postdoc, University of California Berkeley, 2006-2010
Reader, University of Birmingham, 2010-2013
Professor, University of Birmingham, 2013-2020
Chair Professor, University of Hong Kong, 2020-now
Research Description
Prof. Zhang’ research spans both fundamental physics and practical applications in photonics. He has made contributions to areas such as topological metamaterials and nonlinear metamaterials, as well as the development of superimaging and metasurface optical devices. Noteworthy achievements include proposing a multi-frequency approach for complex frequency excitation and demonstrating complex-frequency superimaging with exceptional spatial resolution (Science 2023); the first experimental demonstration of non-abelian topological charges and proposed a generalized bulk edge correspondence (PRL 2020; Nature 2021); the first demonstration of ideal Weyl points (Science, 2018); the first observation of chiral zero mode in photonics (Science 2019); the first demonstration of linked Weyl surfaces and surface Weyl arc in 5D synthetic dimensions (Science 2021). He is credited with proposing and realizing the 'fishnet' metamaterial design, which led to the first demonstration of negative index materials at optical frequencies (PRL 2005; Nature 2008). Prof. Zhang also developed the world's thinnest hologram with record-high efficiency (80%) and broad-band performance (Nature Nanotechnology 2015). His has pioneered the concept of nonlinear geometric phase for achieving continuous control over the phase of the nonlinear optical polarizability (Nature Materials 2015).
Selected Publications
“Compensating losses in polariton propagation with synthesized complex frequency excitation”, F Guan, X Guo, S Zhang, K Zeng, Y Hu, C Wu, S Zhou, Y Xiang, X Yang, N Liu, Q Dai, S Zhang, Nature Materials 23, 506 (2024)
“Overcoming losses in superlenses with synthetic waves of complex frequency”
F Guan, X Guo, K Zeng, S Zhang, Z Nie, S Ma, Q Dai, J Pendry, X Zhang, S Zhang,
Science 381, 766-771 (2023)
“Linked Weyl Surfaces and Weyl arcs in Photonic Metamaterials”, S Ma, Y Bi, Q Guo, B Yang, O You, J Feng, HB Sun, S Zhang, Science, 373, 572 (2021)
“Experimental observation of non-Abelian topological charges and edge states”, H Yang, J Xu, Z Xiong, X Lu, RY Zhang, H Li, Y Chen, S Zhang, CT Chan, Nature, 594, 195 (2021)
“Transverse photon spin of bulk electromagnetic waves in bianisotropic media”, L Peng, L Duan, K Wang, F Gao, L Zhang, G Wang, Y Yang, H Chen, S Zhang, Nature Photonics, 13, 878 (2019)
“Photonic Weyl points due to broken time-reversal symmetry in magnetized semiconductor”, D Wang, B Yang, W Gao, H Jia, Q Yang, X Chen, M Wei, C Liu, M Navarro-Cía, J Han, W Zhang, S Zhang, Nature Physics, 15 1150 (2019)
“Observation of chiral zero mode in inhomogeneous 3D Weyl metamaterials”, H Jia, R Zhang, W Gao, Q Guo, B Yang, J Hu, Y Bi, Y Xiang, C Liu, S Zhang, Science, 363, 148 (2019)
“Ideal Weyl points and helicoid surface states in artificial photonic crystal structures”, B Yang, Q Guo, B Tremain, R Liu, L E Barr, Q Yan, W Gao, H Liu, Y Xiang, J Chen, C Fang, A Hibbins, L Lu, S Zhang, Science, 359, 6379 (2018)
“Continuous control of nonlinearity phase for harmonic generations”, G. Li, S. Chen, N. Pholchai, B. Reineke, P. W. H. Wong, E. Y. B. Pun, K. W. Cheah, T. Zentgraf and S Zhang, Nature Materials, 14, 607 (2015)
“Metasurface holograms reaching 80% efficiency”, G. Zheng, H. Muhlenbernd, M. Kenney, G. Li, T. Zentgraf and S. Zhang, Nature Nanotechnology, 10, 308 (2015)
Full publication list link:
Honours and Awards
IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics) Young Scientist Prize in Optics, 2010.
• Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (2016)
• Fellow of Optical Society of America (2016)
• Fellow of American Physical Society (2022)
• Appeared on the list of “Highly Cited Researchers” by Clarivate, 2018-2023
• 2023 New Cornerstone Investigator program (新基石研究员项目)