
David J. Srolovitz

Academic title: Chair of Material Theory/Professor/Faculty of Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering Dean of Engineering

HKU address: Room 501, Haking Wong Building Faculty of Engineering The University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 3917 2800

HKU lab webpage link:

CV link:

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B.S. (Physics) Rutgers University, 1978

M.S. (Materials Science) University of Pennsylvania, 1980

Ph.D. (Materials Science) University of Pennsylvania, 1982 


2021-  Dean, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong 

2021-  Chair of Materials Theory, Chair Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong 

2020-2021  Director, CityU-Shenzhen Futian Research Institute

2019-2021  Chair Professor, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong 

2019-  Chair Professor, joint appointments in Dept. of Physics and Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong 

2018-2021  Senior Fellow, Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study 

2019-2024   Adjunct Professor, University of Pennsylvania

2012-2019  Joseph Bordogna Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, Depts of Materials Science & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics, University of Pennsylvania 

2012-2018  Secondary Faculty, Dept. of Computer & Information Science, University of Pennsylvania  

2012-2018    Director, Penn Institute for Computational Science, University of Pennsylvania 

2011-2012 Scientific Director, A*STAR Science & Engineering, Research Council, Singapore

2009-2011  Executive Director, A*STAR Inst. of High Performance Computing, Singapore

2006-2009  Dean & Prof of Physics, Yeshiva College, Yeshiva University, New York, NY

2006-2012  Visiting Senior Research Scholar, Princeton University 

2004-2006  Head, Dept of Mechanical & Aerospace Engin., Princeton University

2003-2004  Interim Director, Princeton Materials Institute, Princeton University 

1999–2006  Professor, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Program in Applied & Computational Mathematics, Princeton Institute for Computational Science & Eng., Princeton Institute for the Science & Tech. of Materials, Princeton University  

1997 – 1999 Edward DeMille Campbell Prof. of Materials Science & Eng., Univ. of Michigan 

1991 – 1999 Professor, Materials Science & Eng., Applied Physics Prog.,Univ. of Michigan 

1993 - 1994  Michael Visiting Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

1987 – 1991 Associate Professor (with tenure), Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, Applied Physics Program, University of Michigan 

1984 - 1987  Staff Member–Theory Div., Materials Sci. & Tech. Div., Los Alamos National Lab 

1982 - 1984  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Exxon Research and Eng. Co. 

Research Description

Our research focuses broadly on the structure, microstructure, (mechanical, optical, electronic, thermodynamic) properties, and defects in crystalline materials via theoretical and computational methods. We consider both static and dynamic structure and properties (including their evolution).  On the microstructural level, we study both polycrystalline and multiphase microstructures. In terms of defects, our major focus in recent years has been grain boundaries and heterophase interfaces.  We also investigate dislocations, point defects, surfaces and 2D materials. We specialize in multiscale modeling, integrating from the quantum mechanical to atomic to defect to microstructural to continuum levels. In terms of method development, we are currently focusing on application of artificial intelligence to interatomic potential development and alloy design, microstructural evolution, and interface structure.

Selected Publications

1. Caihao Qiu, Marco Salvalaglio, David J Srolovitz, Jian Han, “Disconnection flow-Mediated Grain Rotation,” PNAS 121, e2310302121 (2024).

2. Zhizi Guan, Yunkun Xu, Junwen Li, Hailong Wang, Zhiwei Peng, Dangyuan Lei, David J Srolovitz, “Electric field induced out-of-plane second-order optical nonlinearity in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides”, Physical Review B, 109 075417 (2024).

3. Anwen Liu, Tongqi Wen, Jian Han, David J Srolovitz, “Finite Temperature Screw Dislocation Core Structure and Dynamics in α-Titanium, NPJ Computational Materials 9, 228 (2023).

4. Siqi Wang, Tongqi Wen, Jian Han, David J Srolovitz, “Coherent and Semicoherent α/β Interfaces in Titanium:  structure, thermodynamics, migration”, npj Computational Materials, 9 216 (2023).

5. Tongqi Wen, Linfeng Zhang, Han Wang, Weinan E, David J Srolovitz, “Deep potentials for materials science,” Materials Futures 1, 022601  (2022).

6. Rui Wang, Xiaoxiao Ma, Linfeng Zhang, Han Wang, David J Srolovitz, Tongqi Wen, Zhaoxuan Wu, “Classical and machine learning interatomic potentials for BCC vanadium,” Physical Review Materials 6, 113603 (2022).

7. Subrahmanyam Pattamatta, David J. Srolovitz, “Allotropy in ultra high strength materials,” Nature Communications 13, 1-8 (2022).

8. Lihua Wang, Yin Zhang, Zhi Zeng, Hao Zhou, Jian He, Pan Liu, Mingwei Chen, Jian Han, David Srolovitz, Jiao Teng, Yizhong Guo, Guo Yang, Deli Kong, Evan Ma, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin, Xiaoxu Huang, Ze Zhang, Ting Zhu, Xiaodong Han, “Tracking the sliding of grain boundaries at atomic scale,” Science 375 [6586], 1261-1265 (2022).

9. Q.F. He, J.G. Wang, Hsin-An Chen, Z.Y. Ding, Z.Q. Zhou, L.H. Xiong, Junhua Luan, J.M. Pelletier, J.C. Qiao, Q. Wang, L.L. Fan, Yang Ren, Qiaoshi Zeng, Chain Liu, C.W. Pao, David Srolovitz, Y Yong, “A Highly Distorted Ultra-Elastic Chemically Complex Elinvar Alloy”, Nature 602, 251 (2022).

10. Tongqi Wen, Rui Wang, Lingyu Zhu, Linfeng Zhang, Han Wang, David J Srolovitz, Zhaoxuan Wu, “Specialising neural network potentials for accurate properties and application to the mechanical response of titanium,” npj Computational Materials 7, 206 (2021).

11. Zhiwei Peng, Xiaolin Chen, Yulong Fan, David J Srolovitz, Dangyuan Lei “Strain engineering of 2D semiconductors and graphene: from strain field to band-tuning and photonic applications,” Light: Science & Applications 9, 190 (2020).

Full publication list link:

Honours and Awards

Elected Member, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES), 2022

Inaugural Materials Research Letters “Distinguished Materials Lecturer”, 2022 (1400 attendees)

Senior Fellow, Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study, 2018-2021

Dow Lecturer, Dept. of Materials Science & Eng., Northwestern University, 2016

Midwest Mechanics Tour Lecturer, 10 mechanics lecturers throughout the Midwest, 2016

Elected Member, US National Academy of Engineering, 2015

32nd Annual Alexander Graham Christie Lecturer, Johns Hopkins Univ., 2015

The Ng Kong Beng Public Lecturer, National Library of Singapore, 2015

Materials Theory Award, Materials Research Society, 2013

Fellow, TMS, 2013

Distinguished Lecturer, Institute of Advanced Study, Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology, 2011

Commencement Speaker, National University of Singapore, 2010

Baetjer Lecturer, Princeton University, 2010

Fellow, Materials Research Society, 2009

Fred Weinberg Memorial Lecturer, University of British Columbia, 2009

Fellow, Institute of Physics (Great Britain), 1999

Fellow, ASM International, 1998

Outstanding Paper Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1997

NASA Tech. Transfer Certificate of Recognition, 1995

Teaching Excellence Award, MSE Department, 1995

ASM Research Silver Medal, 1994

Michael Visiting Fellow, Weizimann Institute of Science, 1993-1994

Faculty Honoree - The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, 1993

Research Excellence Award, UM College of Engineering, 1993

ALCOA Foundation Fellow - 1992

Henry Russel Award (single most outstanding University of Michigan junior faculty), 1991

Outstanding Paper Award, NASA Materials Division, 1989

Exxon Foundation Awardee, 1988

Elected to Sigma Xi, 1988

Outstanding Paper Award, Acta Metallurgica, 1985

Yerger Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 1980

NATO Fellowship, 1980